it's so hard to say goodbye... yesterday--or preschool actually. I had a hard time coming up with a song for this post. Unfortunately, Boyz 2 Men was the only thing I could come up with. And now I'm having all these flash backs to the last day of cheerleading camp. Yikes! Anyway, today was the last day of preschool for Campbell. And it really is hard to say goodbye. It's hard for me because it's been so great to have some one on one time with Andrew and to be able to run some errands with only 1 baby in tow (especially one who isn't mobile yet!). And it's hard for Campbell because he has had such a great year. He made 7 great friends: Reagan, Mason, Ben, Mary Francis, Ryan, Andrew, and Lucas. He comes home with the funniest stories about what he did with his friends that day. It's been so much fun to watch him make these friends and to watch them play together the few times I've been up there to see them. And his teachers, Miss Joanna and Miss Janda, are just wonderful. They are definitely 2 of his most favorite people in the world. And so, as we say goodbye to our most excellent first year of preschool, I can't help but look back on the day he started. He has changed so much. He's become a big brother, started sleeping in a big boy bed. Wow! Life is sure flying by. I hope I can take it all in. Here are pictures from his first day and his last day.


Wow! He has grown up so much over the last year. We will miss preschool has been a great year!
Mandy, at 5:32 PM
I'm glad that Campbell had such a great year! September will be here in no time though! Enjoy your summer without having to rush out the door to get to school in time....
Elizabeth, at 9:18 AM
Seriously, the song titles are cracking me up! I can't believe how much he's changed over the school year. precious as always!
Tiffany, at 10:25 AM
WOW! Look at the difference a school year makes! What a sweetie!!! .... and I am loving your song titles by the way! ha ha ha!!
Becky, at 11:53 AM
I am digging the song titles! Campbell is so cute and it is good to hear he has had a good year.
I have changed my blog to private, but don't have your email...If you will email me:, I will set you up. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Ashley & Bobby, at 8:57 AM
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