to keep or not to keep... paraphrase Shakespeare, who would roll over in his grave if he knew I was using his words to talk about my yard sale! But that is what I am doing--trying to decide what things in my house I want to keep, and what things are going in the yard sale on Saturday. There are the easy decisions, like the hideous ceramic box thing with angels and roses on it--yard sale! And then there are the tough ones like the beautiful, yet duplicated, crystal pieces. I have just uncovered the most beautiful crystal pitcher, but do I need it? And how many crystal bowls is enough? And where do I put all this stuff that I decide to keep? And for the stuff I sell, how much do I sell it for? Ahh, it's too much! I can't take it anymore. Anyone want to come over and make these decisions for me? Anyone?
Not me!! I'm worlds worst about wanting to keep things b/c they have some special meaning... or I might need it some day... or this could come in handy teaching. I'm having a hard time trying to decide what to take to the new house and what to toss, so I'm right there with you!
Angie, at 7:27 PM
Oh my goodness...I feel your pain. We are in the same boat trying to clean out two closets and a study (or what once was a study) will be the nursery soon and we have got to get rid of so much stuff. I say just send it all to Good Will! I am pretty good at getting rid of stuff, but where in the world did all of it come from? We've only been married 3 years and have WAY TOO MUCH STUFF. "Good Will" I say! Go for it!
The Hazlewoods, at 7:53 PM
Rule of thumb: If you haven't used it in a year and don't have a particular time in the future when you plan to it has to go! That's what I hear anyway. I'm a pretty bad packrat myself although I am being reformed! Is your big neighborhood sale this Saturday? I might come check out the kiddie items if it is. Our neighborhood has one on May 5th. Good luck!!!
Tara Petty, at 10:13 PM
I feel you. We ended up selling a lot of our crystal duplicates on ebay. We got a lot more than a yard sale would bring for it so it made parting with it much easier. That and I still had way more trinkets than I need.
Jillina, at 1:08 PM
the thing about yard sales is that people want something for nothing. I either give it away or, like Jillina, sell it on Ebay.
Laurie, at 2:41 PM
yes, you can get more money for your items on ebay but it does take a little more work. As for pricing, I usually don't have the time to do this, so I put everything out on tables and let people ask me how much. It's easier when you don't have the time.
Kimberlie Reese Denham, at 10:11 AM
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