makes me want to scream!
Remember that Michael Jackson song? Well, that's what I'm feeling right now. For the third day in a row, my son is screaming in his bed after sleeping only 1 hour. Now, I could deal with the 1 hour naps when there were 2 of them, but not when there's just one! I don't know what to do. I've tried going up there and telling him that it isn't time to get up yet and Mommy will come back and get you when it is, and I've tried just letting him sit in there and scream. What else can I do? Help me! I need some suggestions. I can't take this anymore! It's not just that I want 2 hours of peace and quiet, which is great, don't get me wrong, but he is crabby all day long. Nothing suits him all day long. AHHHHHHHHHH! Never thought I'd say this, but Michael Jackson was right, some things just "Make Me Want to SCREAM!" Sorry for the Michael Jackson reference, but it's what came to mind.
I can totally feel your frustration!! Switching from two naps to one is SOOOOO hard. It does get better and he will sleep longer but it may take a while (I know that is probably not what you want to hear!) My only advice is to not wait too late to put him down for a nap and then follow up with an early bedtime. Hope that helps!!
Mandy, at 9:00 PM
wish i could help.....sorry for the frustration:(
mandiandjosh, at 10:40 PM
Bless your heart! I am not looking forward to this!
Abigail and Ansley, at 9:24 AM
SPANK HIS BUTT!!! We all know if he is anything like his father, he simply is not going to listen to you at some point without some pain! I recommend without the diaper, it works best with our girls. JUST KIDDING! good luck.
Abigail and Ansley, at 9:48 AM
Oh Chris Anne, this stinks. I think maybe waiting to put him down and then just let him scream is what I would do. He def needs more than 1 hr a day of course maybe it's just a spell and he's getting new teeth or ear infection or something and it will all pass. Good luck. I'll add you to my prayers I can imagine how stressful this can be.
Jillina, at 1:22 PM
Hang in there! It is a hard transition. When you put him down is it his "normal" nap time or is he acting tired? Sometimes Bella will not sleep either and instead of a 1:00 nap she will crash at 3 or 4. Just depends. He will get through it and so will you. One of those tough things. Try not putting him down until he is so tired he can't keep his eyes open. You may be doing that already, but that is the only thing I can think of...sorry : )
Elizabeth Miller, at 2:57 PM
We are going through this too! One isn't enough. Two is too many. Hopefully these boys will get it figured out. We are trying a later nap with an early bedtime. Early bedtime is nice with Ansley around now. Sorry it is so frustrating. Hopefully we will see you soon!
Tara Petty, at 2:33 PM
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